We would appreciate at least 24hr notice on any orders over 5 bushel.
You can place large orders in advance by calling (517)646-8632.
Sweet corn prices are
$32.50/bushel (5 dozen)
These prices may change depending on the availability of corn. 
We will not call you when your order is ready. Your phone number is needed so that we can notify you of any delays or problems that we may encounter filling your order. 
Summer Squash
$0.75 each or 3 for $2.00
Cucumbers $0.75 each or 3 for $2.00
Blueberries $4.00/lb
Green Beans $3.50/ lb
Field Corn
Squirrel/ Deer Corn
$0.10 / ear
$6.00 / bushel
Tomatoes Red: $2.50/lb.
Green: $2.00/lb.
Watermelons $0.30/lb
Cantaloupe $0.50/lb
Jalapenos $2.50 / lb
Other produce available
We raise the best supersweet and will happily replace any unsatisfactory corn.
Prices are subject to change