We have sweetcorn available at several locations for your convenience.
The Farm on Gunnell Rd. 2256 N. Gunnell Rd.
Eaton Rapids, Mi. 48827
Mon. - Sat. 9 a.m. - 6p.m.
Sun     9a.m.-5p.m.
Canal Rd. Stand

Located on Canal Rd. in
Dimondale 1 Mile south of
Lansing Rd.

5870 N. Canal Rd. Dimondale, Mi.

Mon - Fri. 9a.m. - 6p.m.

Sat     9a.m. - 5p.m.

Sun    9a.m. - 4p.m.

Grand Ledge Stand
Ace Hardware 
M-100 across from Meijer
Rosedale Stand Located on Rosedale Rd.
south of Miller Rd.
Hours to be determined by location management
Jack and Sons Produce
Located at the corner of M-99 and Columbia Rd.
Hours to be determined by location management
South Charlotte On 5 point Hwy. 1/4 Mile west of Narrow Lake Rd. Hours to be determined by location management
Carls Supermarket Carls Supermarket in Dimondale Hours to be determined by location management
Riches Country Store Corner of  M-99 and Bishop Rd. Hours to be determined by location management
Root & Gather 

4904 W. Barnes Rd.

Mason, Mi.

Hours to be determined by location management
We also supply corn for the Dimondale Boyscouts to sell at the Dimondale Farmers Market and to the Eaton Rapids Band to sell at the Eaton Rapids Farmers Market